S&P Technology Dividend Aristocrats ETF

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Morningstar Rating
Overall Morningstar Rating out of 231 Technology funds based on risk-adjusted returns as of 6/30/24.

Why Invest in TDV?

  • The only ETF focusing on the S&P Technology Dividend Aristocrats—well-established, technology-related companies that have consistently raised their dividends for at least seven years.

  • TDV’s holdings are quality names that, as a group, generally have had stable earnings, solid fundamentals, and strong histories of profit and growth.

Why Invest in TDV?

  • The only ETF focusing on the S&P Technology Dividend Aristocrats—well-established, technology-related companies that have consistently raised their dividends for at least seven years.

  • TDV’s holdings are quality names that, as a group, generally have had stable earnings, solid fundamentals, and strong histories of profit and growth.

Total Return

Fund + Index 1m 3m 6m YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Since Inception Inception Date
TDV Market Price 0.26% 5.43% 8.36% 10.60% 16.37% 8.30% -- -- 15.88% 11/05/2019
TDV NAV 0.39% 5.44% 8.43% 10.87% 16.66% 8.41% -- -- 15.92% 11/05/2019
S&P Technology Dividend Aristocrats Index 0.43% 5.57% 8.70% 11.23% 17.20% 8.90% -- -- 16.43% --

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when sold or redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Shares are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the fund. Market price returns are based upon the midpoint of the bid/ask spread at 4:00 p.m. ET (when NAV is normally determined for most funds) and do not represent the returns you would receive if you traded shares at other times. Your brokerage commissions will reduce returns. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. For standardized returns and performance data current to the most recent month end, see above.

About the Fund

  • Ticker
  • Intraday Ticker
  • Inception Date
  • Expense Ratio
  • NAV Calculation Time
    4:00 p.m. ET
as of 9/17/2024
  • NAV
  • NAV Change
    $+0.11 up caret
  • Market Price
  • Market Price Change
    $+0.07 up caret
  • Trading Volume (M)
  • 30-Day Median Bid Ask Spread
  • View Premium / Discount
  • Ticker
  • Intraday Ticker
  • Inception Date
  • Expense Ratio
  • NAV Calculation Time
    4:00 p.m. ET
as of 9/17/2024
  • NAV
  • NAV Change
    $+0.11 up caret
  • Market Price
  • Market Price Change
    $+0.07 up caret
  • Trading Volume (M)
  • 30-Day Median Bid Ask Spread
  • View Premium / Discount


Index as of 6/28/2024 and Fund as of 9/17/2024


as of 9/17/2024

Weight Ticker Description Exposure Value
(Notional + GL)
Market Value Shares/Contracts SEDOL Number
3.47% ORCL ORACLE CORP -- $9,366,764.57 55,931 2661568
3.38% IBM INTL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP -- $9,116,370.62 42,574 2005973
3.25% MA MASTERCARD INC - A -- $8,768,827.97 17,503 B121557
3.25% SSNC SS&C TECHNOLOGIES HOLDINGS -- $8,764,652.26 116,042 B58YSC6
3.22% MSI MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC -- $8,686,028.90 19,790 B5BKPQ4
3.18% CSGS CSG SYSTEMS INTL INC -- $8,592,175.05 177,855 2210885
3.16% V VISA INC-CLASS A SHARES -- $8,538,334.60 29,285 B2PZN04
3.14% CSCO CISCO SYSTEMS INC -- $8,474,442.06 167,446 2198163
3.10% CASS CASS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC -- $8,366,586.41 199,537 2086558
3.08% BMI BADGER METER INC -- $8,309,291.77 38,903 2069128
3.02% JKHY JACK HENRY & ASSOCIATES INC -- $8,153,070.14 46,406 2469193
2.99% BR BROADRIDGE FINANCIAL SOLUTIO -- $8,078,502.24 38,294 B1VP7R6
2.95% ACN ACCENTURE PLC-CL A -- $7,970,321.92 23,648 B4BNMY3
2.93% AVGO BROADCOM INC -- $7,908,227.25 48,675 BDZ78H9
2.90% INTU INTUIT INC -- $7,842,945.66 12,163 2459020
2.85% MSFT MICROSOFT CORP -- $7,701,719.85 17,699 2588173
2.84% TXN TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC -- $7,668,729.81 38,079 2885409
2.84% GLW CORNING INC -- $7,661,155.60 176,932 2224701
2.81% AAPL APPLE INC -- $7,588,950.74 35,006 2046251
2.81% TEL TE CONNECTIVITY LTD -- $7,575,350.58 51,261 B62B7C3
2.81% APH AMPHENOL CORP-CL A -- $7,573,472.46 118,354 2145084
2.79% CDW CDW CORP/DE -- $7,529,903.76 33,718 BBM5MD6
2.79% AVT AVNET INC -- $7,521,279.48 146,101 2066505
2.78% ROP ROPER TECHNOLOGIES INC -- $7,503,232.51 13,597 2749602
2.77% LFUS LITTELFUSE INC -- $7,474,910.24 29,401 2531832
2.73% ADI ANALOG DEVICES INC -- $7,360,381.70 32,662 2032067
2.65% KLAC KLA CORP -- $7,162,286.40 9,684 2480138
2.63% HPQ HP INC -- $7,099,569.29 206,203 BYX4D52
2.60% DLB DOLBY LABORATORIES INC-CL A -- $7,015,200.48 97,596 B04NJM9
2.51% QCOM QUALCOMM INC -- $6,783,595.70 40,211 2714923
2.40% MCHP MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC -- $6,482,707.00 84,191 2592174
2.37% SWKS SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC -- $6,405,817.50 66,210 2961053
2.29% POWI POWER INTEGRATIONS INC -- $6,177,237.12 104,628 2133045
2.28% LRCX LAM RESEARCH CORP -- $6,146,704.96 8,024 2502247
2.24% CGNX COGNEX CORP -- $6,053,098.32 155,367 2208288
-- -- NET OTHER ASSETS (LIABILITIES) -- $563,905.88 563,906 --


as of 6/28/2024

  • Total Number of Companies35
  • Price/Earnings Ratio28.11
  • Price/Book Ratio5.079
  • Dividend Yield ( % )1.53
  • Avg. Index Market Capitalization$299.85 billion
About the Index

The index, constructed and maintained by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, targets companies from information technology, internet and direct marketing retail, interactive home entertainment, and interactive media and services segments of the economy. To be included in the index, a company must have increased dividend payments each year for at least seven years, and its shares must be listed on a U.S. national securities exchange and meet certain minimum liquidity and other requirements. The index contains a minimum of 25 stocks, which are equally weighted. If there are fewer than 25 stocks with at least seven consecutive years of dividend growth, the index will include companies with shorter dividend growth histories. The index is rebalanced each January, April, July and October, with an annual reconstitution during the January rebalance.


Ex-Dividend Date Record Date Payable Date Dividend Long-Term Capital Gain Short-Term Capital Gain Return of Capital

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For the total return table above, since inception returns are cumulative for funds less than one year old; otherwise, returns are annualized. Market returns are based on the composite closing price and do not represent the returns you would receive if you traded shares at other times. The listing date is typically one or more days after the fund inception date. Therefore, NAV is used to calculate market returns prior to the listing date.

The expense ratio for certain funds includes a contractual fee waiver that results in a lower net expense ratio for some or all periods shown. For information about this ETF’s fees, please see above.

Holdings are subject to change.

Registered Investment Companies are required by the IRS to distribute substantially all of their income and capital gains to shareholders at least annually. For specific tax advice, we recommend you speak with a qualified tax professional.

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when sold or redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Shares are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the fund. Market price returns are based upon the midpoint of the bid/ask spread at 4:00 p.m. ET (when NAV is normally determined for most funds) and do not represent the returns you would receive if you traded shares at other times. Your brokerage commissions will reduce returns. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. For standardized returns and performance data current to the most recent month end, see above.

Index information does not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses. Indexes are unmanaged, and one cannot invest directly in an index.

There is no guarantee that capital gain distributions will not be made in the future. There is no guarantee that dividends or interest income will be paid.

There is no guarantee any ProShares ETF will achieve its investment objective.

Shares of any ETF are generally bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the fund. Your brokerage commissions will reduce returns.

Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. This ProShares ETF is non-diversified and entails certain risks, including imperfect benchmark correlation and market price variance, that may decrease performance. Please see their summary and full prospectuses for a more complete description of risks.

Technology companies may be subject to intense competition, product obsolescence, general economic conditions and government regulation and may have limited product lines, markets, financial resources or personnel.

Investments in smaller companies typically exhibit higher volatility. Small- and mid-cap companies may have limited product lines or resources, may be dependent upon a particular market niche and may have greater fluctuations in price than the stocks of larger companies. Small- and mid-cap companies may lack the financial and personnel resources to handle economic or industry-wide setbacks and, as a result, such setbacks could have a greater effect on small- and mid-cap security prices.

Carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of ProShares before investing. This and other information can be found in their summary and full prospectuses. Read them carefully before investing.

The "S&P® Technology Dividend Aristocrats® Index" is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and its affiliates and has been licensed for use by ProShares. "S&P®" is a registered trademark of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC ("S&P") and "Dow Jones®" is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC ("Dow Jones") and have been licensed for use by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and its affiliates. ProShares have not been passed on by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and its affiliates as to their legality or suitability. ProShares based on the S&P Technology Dividend Aristocrats Index are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, Dow Jones, S&P or their respective affiliates, and they make no representation regarding the advisability of investing in ProShares. THESE ENTITIES AND THEIR AFFILIATES MAKE NO WARRANTIES AND BEAR NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO PROSHARES.

Quote data provided by Interactive Data - Real Time Services, Inc. and subject to terms of use.

Star rating is © 2024 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Morningstar information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. The Morningstar RatingTM for funds, or “star rating," is calculated for managed products (including mutual funds, variable annuity and variable life subaccounts, exchange traded funds, closed-end funds, and separate accounts) with at least a three-year history. Exchange traded funds and open-ended mutual funds are considered a single population for comparative purposes. Star ratings are calculated based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in a managed product's monthly excess performance, placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. The Morningstar Rating does not include any adjustment for sales loads. The top 10% of products in each product category receive five stars, the next 22.5% receive four stars, the next 35% receive three stars, the next 22.5% receive two stars, and the bottom 10% receive one star. The Overall Morningstar Rating for a managed product is derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its three-, five- and 10-year (if applicable) Morningstar Rating metrics. The weights are: 100% three-year rating for 36-59 months of total returns, 60% five-year rating/40% three-year rating for 60-119 months of total returns, and 50% 10-year rating/30% five-year rating/20% three-year rating for 120 or more months of total returns. While the 10-year overall star rating formula seems to give the most weight to the 10-year period, the most recent three-year period actually has the greatest impact because it is included in all three rating periods. TDV was rated against the following numbers of U.S.-domiciled Technology funds for the following time periods: 231 for the last three years, ending 6/30/24. With respect to these Technology funds, TDV received a Morningstar Rating of 4 stars for the three-year period. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

ProShares are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co., which is not affiliated with the funds’ advisor or sponsor.

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