Finding ProShares Intraday Values (IOPVS/IIVS)
What Are Intraday Values?
An ETF's intraday value (also abbreviated as IOPV or IIV1) is an estimated fair value of its holdings based on the most recent prices of its underlying securities and other assets. Intraday values are typically updated every 15 seconds and should closely approximate the net asset value (NAV) of an ETF throughout the trading day. ETF intraday values are calculated by an exchange (e.g., the NYSE Arca) and are distributed through quote services.
Obtaining Intraday Values
ETFs have separate ticker symbols for their intraday values (usually, it’s the ticker with ".IV" added as an extension). In addition, most of the quote services that carry intraday values—not all do—require their own unique keystrokes for obtaining ETF intraday values. These keystrokes sometimes differ from the intraday value ticker.
For example, here’s how to get intraday values (as well as closing prices and benchmark quotes) on two popular quote services, Yahoo Finance and Bloomberg terminals:
Intraday Values (IOPVs/IIVs) and Benchmarks for ETFs Have Their Own Ticker Symbols
Ticket Symbol To get quotes on Yahoo Finance* To get quotes on Bloomberg To get quotes on Bloomberg ProShares ETF XXX XXX XXX <equity> <go> ProShares ETF
Intraday ValueXXX.IV ^XXX-IVXXXIV <index> <go> XXXIV <index> <go>
* To type a "^", press "shift 6" on your keyboard.
Ask your quote service for more information how to obtain intraday values on their system.
Ticker Symbols for ProShares Intraday Values
You can find the intraday value ticker symbol for any ProShares ETFs by clicking on the Products page, then select the fund you are interested in from the list. For a full list of ProShares ticker symbols, download the ProShares Product List.
1 IOPV is an abbreviation for Indicative Optimized Portfolio Value; IIV is an abbreviation for Indicative Intraday Value.
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